Google Analytics 4 (GA4) vs Adobe Analytics

ga4 vs adobe analytics

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) and Adobe Analytics are both web analytics
platforms used for tracking and analyzing user behavior on websites and
mobile applications. While they share some similarities, they also have
differences in terms of features, pricing, integration, and customization.
Here’s a comparison between GA4 and Adobe Analytics:

Performance Measurement: Web analytics provides essential
metrics to assess the performance of a website. This includes data on
website traffic, page views, bounce rates, and conversion rates. By
understanding these metrics, businesses can evaluate the effectiveness of
their online presence.

Data Collection: GA4: GA4 emphasizes event-based tracking,
making it more flexible and customizable. It uses an event-driven data
model, allowing you to track a wide range of user interactions. Adobe
Analytics: Adobe Analytics has traditionally relied on page views and custom
link tracking, but it also offers event tracking.

User-Centric vs. Session-Centric: GA4: GA4 focuses on a
user-centric approach, allowing you to track individual user journeys across
devices and sessions. Adobe Analytics: Adobe Analytics typically uses a
session-centric approach by default, but it offers ways to analyze
user-level data.

Pricing: GA4: GA4 offers a free version, which is
accessible to most businesses. Google also provides a paid version called
Google Analytics 360 for enterprise-level features. Adobe Analytics: Adobe
Analytics is known for its premium pricing, primarily catering to larger
enterprises. Pricing can be relatively high, depending on usage.

Customisation: GA4: GA4 provides more customization options
with its event-driven tracking, allowing you to define your own events and
parameters. Adobe Analytics: Adobe Analytics is known for its extensive
customization capabilities and flexibility in setting up custom variables
and metrics.

Integration: GA4: GA4 integrates seamlessly with other
Google products, including Google Ads and Google Marketing Platform. It also
has integrations with third-party tools. Adobe Analytics: Adobe Analytics
can be integrated with various Adobe Marketing Cloud solutions, providing an
all-in-one marketing suite.

Data Ownership: GA4: Google Analytics data is hosted by
Google, and while you have access to your data, it’s subject to Google’s
terms and policies. Adobe Analytics: Adobe Analytics typically provides more
control over your data and allows for on-premises hosting options, giving
you more data ownership.

Advanced Features: GA4: GA4 is steadily adding new features
and machine learning capabilities, such as predictive metrics and audience
insights. Adobe Analytics: Adobe Analytics offers a wide range of advanced
features, including predictive analytics, anomaly detection, and AI-powered

Learning Curve: GA4: GA4 is often considered more
user-friendly and easier to set up for basic tracking. It’s a good choice
for smaller businesses with limited technical resources. Adobe Analytics:
Adobe Analytics has a steeper learning curve and may require more technical
expertise to fully utilize its features.

Customer Support: GA4: Google provides customer support for
GA4, with different levels of support available based on your subscription.
Adobe Analytics: Adobe offers premium customer support services as part of
their package.